A Big Thank You From Keltic

A Big Thank You From Keltic

Civil enforcement officer uniformWe just wanted to say thanks very much to everyone who stopped by our stand at Parkex last week. We had a brilliant time seeing all our lovely customers again, as well as meeting new potential ones (along with a few Star Wars characters!). Parkex is such a tremendous opportunity to get everyone under one roof and show off our civil enforcement officer uniforms in a fun environment.

Civil enforcement officer uniformsThanks for the superb feedback we got on our new products the Magnum Strider and the Patrol Cap, and for all the new ideas about future products that you shared with us. We promise to come back next year with lots more civil enforcement officer uniform innovations. Do get in touch for a free uniform consultation if we can help with anything in the meantime or if you’d like to arrange a free trial of any of our garments.

Civil enforcement officer uniform