Full Page Parking Review Feature For Winter Accessories!

Full Page Parking Review Feature For Winter Accessories!

The winter snow began to fall in Scotland over the weekend and it may just be coming our way. Enjoy Keltic Clothing’s full page parking review feature which gives plenty of ideas to help civil enforcement officer uniforms this winter. We have introduced our brand new coiled snow grips which are ten times as effective along with our new Patrol Mitt.

Civil enforcement officer uniform
Civil enforcement officer uniform help this winter

Civil Enforcements Officers have to carry on working whatever the weather; we hope our brand new winter accessories are an ideal addition to the civil enforcement officer uniform.

These items can be found on our Uniform Department page, and the first 50 local authorities to call will qualify for a FREE SAMPLE of the brand new Patrol Mitt – call 08450 66 66 99 and ask for Vicki for further details.