Send Us Your Corporate Wear Photos & Win A Bottle Of Moet!
We follow all the latest news on corporate wear uk and around the world, and were really taken by one recent article. New Yorker Sheena Matheiken of the Daily Telegraph decided to wear the same dress every day for a year, both as a comment on the fashion world, and to raise money for a good cause. This spurned numerous other people to follow suit (pardon the pun!).
The idea of wearing one dress every day really struck a chord with us as corporate wear suppliers, because obviously the point of corporatewear is that it is worn every day and gives a unified look to a workforce.

The photos of Sheena in her rather interesting dress (ahem!) got us thinking – and we’ve come up with a competition as a result. Post photos of you or your colleagues in your corporatewear on our Facebook page, and the one with the most ‘likes’ will win a bottle of champagne. So, get your colleagues and friends liking your picture!
We look forward to your entries!