Come & See The Future Of Parking Workwear At Stand E40

Come & See The Future Of Parking Workwear At Stand E40

We are all set up at Parkex, and look forward to welcoming our lovely customers to our stand today! We will have Gingerbread CEOs, candyfloss, fairground amusements, and more importantly we will be asking your opinion on the future of parking workwear – a full range of garments which we have designed in conjunction with NSL’s uniform working group. They will shortly be worn by the UK’s largest parking operation, NSL’s City of Westminster contract.

Parking workwear

Our Brand New Parking Workwear


The Ambassador jacket is a new lightweight jacket based on a snowboarding garment, with a stylish modern cut which gives excellent movement and comfort. The Patrol Softshell is the next-generation mid-layer garment – a big move-on from the Nato Jumper of old we think you’ll agree! The Patrol Shirt is a re-imagination of the traditional pilot shirt, taking inspiration from the sportswear market, and in particular, golf shirts and football shirts.

Parking workwearAnd with the Patrol Trouser, like with all these garments, rather than thinking “what is out there already that we can use for parking staff?” we have asked “what do parking staff actually want and need in 2014?”

Come and Say Hello!


We’re really excited about hearing all the feedback on these new designs! See you there, at stand E40 by the Parkex Cafe.