Security Clothing | Keltic At The Aucso Association Today!

Security Clothing | Keltic At The Aucso Association Today!

Want to come and check out our latest security clothing first hand? Well today is a great day to do just that! We’re currently at the Association of University Chief Security Officers. AUCSO is the leading association for security professionals who work in universities, colleges and further forms of higher education. If you haven’t already done so, come over and meet us here at Aston University today to have a chat about your uniforms and check out our latest samples of security clothing!

Security clothing

We look forward to speaking with some old and new faces today. We’ll be catching up with those from Birmingham University, Keele, Worcester and Loughborough just to name a few. And – always important – we have plenty of cupcakes on standby for everyone’s enjoyment!

Security clothing

So come and say hello!