Keltic’s Brand New Winter Cycle Jacket
Keltic Clothing would like to introduce our brand new Winter Cycle Jacket. It is Lightweight, breathable and waterproof. It not only protects you from the wet winter weather, it also keeps you safe on the roads. This is because our cycle jacket conforms to EN471 Class 3.
At Keltic we feel that it’s vital for cycle trainers to have clothing that conforms to EN471 and has braces. EN471 is the European standard relating to high visibility clothing for professional use.
Each country within the EU passes legislation determining where garments to this standard should be worn. The UK’S New Roads and Street Works act (1991) stipulates that all staff working on roads must wear EN471 Class 2 or Class 3 clothing, and that EN471 Class 3 must be worn by staff working on roads with a 50 mph speed limit and above.
In addition to EN471, there are a number of other local regulations that are applicable to certain situations and which may be of relevance. The New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, relates to those working on local authority roads. The acts’ code of practice, formerly called the “Blue Book” now called the “Red Book” came into effect Feb 2002. It is advised that garments should comply with clause 4.2.3 (b) of EN471 (two 50mm bands and braces).
If you would like any more information on this or would like a sample of our cycle jackets please do not hesitate to ask. You can see our full range of cycle wear at