Full Of The Joys Of Spring – New Season, New Website

Full Of The Joys Of Spring – New Season, New Website

At Keltic we’re all very excited because tomorrow marks the launch of our new website, which is the culmination of over six months work. We feel that our website is the perfect representation of where we are at the moment as a company. We’re made up of six specialist departments, and we thought we’d give a brief rundown of what each of the three main departments do, and how they tie in together.

The largest department, which is how we started back in 2001, is our Uniform Wear Department, which supplies uniform clothing for security, parking, wardens and other enforcement roles. Our USP has always been manufacturing – the business started out making custom jackets for parking and security staff. This developed into supplying the full kit head-to-toe and we’re now the UK’s largest enforcement uniform provider, with 5 large warehouses full of unique and exclusive garments.

Security and enforcement supervisors needed suits and shirts/blouses, events staff needed poloshirts or corporate jackets, and hey presto the Corporate Wear department was formed. From these humble roots we recruited staff with a passion for fashion, and we’re now one of the UK’s largest suppliers of corporatewear, supplying many of the country’s most prestigious hotels and landmarks, as well as hundreds of doctor’s surgeries, local authorities, colleges and universities and blue chip companies.

With the alarming increase in violence against staff, and the worrying prevalence of weapons in society, we were increasingly being asked to supply body armour. Our Body Armour Department spent two years researching the market and developing the best range of body armour in the UK. We now have 7 different styles available from stock at every Home Office protection level, and a unique system that allows you to interchange styles. This is widely recognised as a huge development for the industry – until recently the only question was “do you want a white or a black stab vest?”

The Department Heads will be blogging about each Department in the coming weeks, but we hope this post has given an insight as to how each department is related. To mark the coming of Spring, and the launch of our new website, we’re offering free delivery and collection of samples for the whole of March.