Uniform Wear; Innovation Is The Name Of The Game

Uniform Wear; Innovation Is The Name Of The Game

Innovation is just some of the things we will be talking about this week at the British Parking Association in Scotland this Wednesday the 24th.

We design and develop all of our uniform wear with input from people who actually use the garments every day. The initial idea often comes about through feedback we receive – for example, we have just launched our new concept of our ParkVest after feedback that utility belts have caused strain on the backs of parking attendants.

The ParkVest is essentially a utility vest which incorporates printer holders and pockets to distribute the PA’s equipment evenly across the body, thus preventing long term sickness and making their job role more comfortable and effective. The challenge we have successfully met is to design very high quality technical garments at a price that the whole parking market can afford.

 Uniform wear

Also in the midst of the thick snow and ice we experienced last winter, we’ve launched a snow grip which fits on to all types of shoe and boot, providing much-needed additional grip and safety on snow and ice by means of special studs.

Our snow grips have numerous studs as well as chevron grips across the whole foot area. Other products on the market only cover part of the foot, or have less studs, and so can be less effective. Where health and safety is concerned, we only offer the most effective product.

Come and join us this Wednesday for an update on our latest and greatest ideas. We look forward to seeing you there!